
Sunday, 12 February 2012

Post Script


Recently, I have had an email exchange with my sister about the principles set forth in this book.  She posed the following question:

“You certainly have a plethora of scriptural evidence backing you and it rings true to me, but a nagging gut feeling keeps tugging a me, reminding me of others who have spoken as you have and are now atheists or agnostics because all it took was one crisis or catastrophe for them to shake their fist at the heavens and curse God, because they believed and he let them down and didn't come through with his promises.  Didn't the Holocaust spawn thousands of atheists?”

In my book, on page 78, I address this question about being disillusioned and becoming atheist by the horrors of life.  I set up the premise in the first chapter challenging people to stop being wishy washy[1] and make up their minds, is Jesus for real or is he just a mythical character.  If he is real, was he really divine and had the powers that he claimed he had?  For all of us active Christians, why aren't we able to replicate the miracles of Jesus, especially when he commanded us to?  Why can't we literally move mountains?  But, more importantly, why can't we be healed?  Why are we so subject to the randomness of this world?  Being Christian is in vain if we can't have dominion over the elements and over our enemies.  Most Christians wrongly think that the blessings and promises of Jesus come after we die and don’t apply to this mortal life.  WRONG!
The great message of Jesus is that his promises apply now, in this present life.
So, my book is designed to make people choose, either be a true follower of Christ or don't claim to be Christian, you can't have it both ways.  Many have chosen not to be followers of Jesus; they see the horrors of life, the hypocrisy and the disappointment and choose the broad road that leads to destruction.  For those who do choose to be a true follower, it is easy and it is not hard, Jesus has made it very easy. 
Our great grandfather's name is Job.  The story of Job in the bible may be one reason why Grandpa Dewey was so panicked when you did not come home on time. The story of Job is the story of bad things happening to good people.  However, my take on Job is that he was very righteous and did a lot of good, but he did not invoke the name of Jesus Christ nor the Lord his God for protection.  There is no indication that I could see that he sought the assistance of the legions of angels who are waiting to be asked to help.  He assumed that his righteous acts were enough and that he was not required to do anything more.  
Personally, I don't believe that the Lord God, Jesus Christ, would ever have an agreement with Satan to bring suffering to any man.  Satan seeks to make us miserable and the greater the horror, the greater the blood and pain, the better for him.  Jesus' mission is to prevent Satan from being successful and to save us from all enemies while in this life. If it is merely a matter of enduring until we die, then Jesus has really done nothing new for us, we have always had the sweet release of death since the time of Adam.  But, if we are like Job and think that our righteousness alone will protect us, then we are in error.  If we are living the two great commandments, then we will love with all of our hearts and we will call upon him continually for deliverance and we will be delivered.  
Enoch never experienced anything like Job did.  The difference is that Enoch sought power from on high to be delivered from all enemies.  Adam and Eve learned the true order of prayer and called on the Lord God continually.  Satan tried to intervene, but in the case of Adam and Eve, Satan did not prevail and Adam and Eve knew sorrow from their rebellious posterity, but they never had to endure pain and suffering directly from the hand of Satan.  Enoch, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and many others had final victory over their enemies.  Daniel calmed the Lions.  The Christians, who were thrown to the Lions and eaten by them, did not know how or did not believe that they could do what Daniel did.  Jesus is no respecter of persons.  What he did for Daniel, he would do for anybody.
Jesus said that the wise man built his house upon the rock and the rains came and beat upon the house and it did not fall.[2] The house was not hurt by any destructive forces nor were its occupants hurt. If the beating upon the house meant pain and suffering to the house, then there really is no advantage over the house built upon sand.  Jesus is the rock and his promises never fail.  Jesus did not say, "Build your house on the rock and most of time I will protect you but the day may come when I will have to allow you to go through some catastrophe even though your house is built upon the rock”.  
Jesus, the rock, willingly and voluntarily allowed catastrophes to come upon him in the form of crucifixion and horrible pain and humiliation at the hands of the most vile and wicked on the earth.  Why?  He did it so we wouldn't have to!  When the wicked were allowed to have full free agency and allowed to have their way with him, that was their last chance.  He forever foreclosed on them any right that they might have to lay claim to free agency as an excuse for afflicting those who call upon his name.  Those who have built their house on the rock, have a fully paid off mortgage and have complete and full protection from their enemies who can do no harm to them by any means.  It is only conditioned on believing on him and remembering him always. Any exceptions to this, makes Jesus a liar and he is not a liar.
In allowing himself to be at the whim of his enemies and allowing them to sacrifice him, an infinite power was released and that infinite power forever removed any power that the enemy had over his righteous followers, his seed.  The seed of Satan may have power to bruise the heel (sorrow and sweat) of the seed of Jesus but the seed of Jesus would have power to bruise or crush  the head of Satan's seed (make them their footstool).
The catastrophes, disasters, horrific events and atrocities of life are atheist making events.  Jesus has said that they can be avoided and are not necessary for our eternal life and salvation.  They happen because we don't want to believe him, we don't want to take a chance on him.  
Adam and Eve were told that by the sweat of their brow they would make their bread and that in sorrow they would conceive and bear children.   Hard work, sweat, and sorrow even befell Jesus in spite of his power.  He made most of his bread with sweat.  Only when necessary for a wise purpose, did he bypass sweat and multiply the loaves and the fishes.  Likewise, he experienced much sorrow.  But, I can handle the sweat and I can handle the sorrow caused by the unnecessary suffering of others, what I can't handle is having a little child of mine abducted, tortured and abused.  That is not what Adam and Eve signed up for nor is it what God expects of us.  When Adam and Eve came into the cold and dreary world, they were told that they would have dominion over the whole earth.  THAT PROMISE WAS NOT REVOKED WHEN THEY PARTOOK OF THE FRUIT!  Jesus was subject to the same curse as Adam and Eve but he, like them, remained with dominion over the elements.    That dominion remains today, especially among his chosen and those who take upon them his name and always remember him (see page 68 of my book).
If I use the name of Jesus Christ to place a shield of protection around my children and if I ask for angels to be round about them and to prepare the way for them, then they will not deny my request.  When Enoch called upon the name of Jesus Christ to be protected from his enemies, the Lord did not say unto Enoch, "Look Enoch, the wicked and evil have their free agency and I simply can't stop them from doing their evil work or I would be taking away their free agency.  Sorry, you came to this earth to let them work out their free agency and perform works of horror on you and your loved ones.  But, be of good cheer.  The suffering of your little ones in Satanic ritualistic ceremonies will be but a small moment, and I will heal them afterwards.  Yes, it will be indescribably painful for a while, but at some future day beyond the veil, they will get over it.  Now Enoch, endure to the end, accept what is dished out to you, stop calling on me and my angels to intervene because we won't.  Deal with it."   Did Jesus say that to the lepers, the blind, the afflicted with evil spirits?  Did Jesus say, "Look, the evil spirits that possess your son, they have free agency and I can't stop them from doing their work.  You will have to learn patience while they continue to possess his body and exercise their free agency."  Did he tell the adulteress, "My dear, these men who are about to stone you have their free agency and as such, you will have to endure the horrible pain of stoning but be of good cheer, some day you will get over it after your spirit is released from its body." ?    Did he tell Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, "My sons, you will be burned alive in the furnace because King Nebuchadnezzar has his free agency and it would not be right to force him to believe in my power through a miracle because to do a miracle would take away his free agency.  You must suffer and die in the furnace so that Satan and his followers can't accuse me of taking away their free agency."  Did the Lord tell them that? 
Many of the Jews and many millions of others in captivity, raised their voices in terrified screams and pleadings to God, and received no deliverance, became atheists or became indifferent to religion.  They were not as Enoch and they were not as Moses because they did not love the Lord their God with all of their heart and all of their souls.  They did not enter in at the strait gate and command the elements in the name of Jesus Christ to deliver them.  They did not call upon the angels in the name of Jesus Christ.   I would assert that the few Jews, who did enter the strait gate and called upon the name of Jesus Christ, never were required to go to the concentration camps in the first place.  They were given a way to escape and were delivered. 
The problem with most Jews and with most Christians is that they do not love the Lord their God with all of their hearts and they do not take the name of Jesus Christ upon them.  They do not recognize that they are Gods, as Jesus said, and do not even try to have dominion over the elements.
It is important to remember that the foolish man who built his house upon the sand because he did not heed or do the sayings of Jesus, saw his house fall and great was the fall thereof or great was his suffering.  This causes great sorrow to Jesus because such suffering can be avoided.
If the catastrophe comes, if the child is abducted or whatever horrible thing you can think of, then we really don't believe in Jesus and we do not invoke his powers because we continue to "draw nigh unto him with our lips but our hearts are far from him, we teach for commandments, the commandments of men and practice a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof".  We have rejected the fullness of the gospel, we are as salt that has lost its savor.
One Million Dollars in Doubt and Denial, Two Cents in Belief and Faith
In this book, I have written about the importance of the widow’s two (2) mites in relation to living the first and great commandment given by Jesus Christ.  What Jesus was trying to tell us with that actual real life example (not parable) was that most of us are in the same position as the widow and all we have are two mites to give.  He is not trying to tell us that we are counted among those rich with money, but to the contrary, that we have something to give but we don’t give it, even our two mites.
We can be likened unto a Christian man who has $1,000,000.  But, I will call it a bank account of $1,000,000 in doubt and denial.  In another account, this man has 2 pennies, 2 cents, I call the account of belief and faith.  This man goes through life spending liberally from his big account of doubt and denial.  His million dollar account is spent on many church callings and in going to meetings and doing various service projects.  He replenishes his account through many traditions, associating with other like minded people that support his traditions, seeking to understand and obey countless written and unwritten laws and regulations.  One of the biggest ways he keeps a big bank account is through his reliance on man-made technology including man-made medicine, man-made security, and man-made information systems and media.
Technology is not bad.  Technology has its place and can be good.  It is allowing me to write this book.  It only becomes bad if it weakens or denies our resolve to live the First and Great Commandment.  Loving and relying on the Lord our God first, then using our powers of technology as a supplement to the First and Great commandment.
Why do I call this big account, doubt and denial?  Because, through his doubts, denials and fears, he has created a large account of man-made traditions, man-made laws, man-made security, man-made weaponry, man-made science and man-made technology upon which he relies to handle his fears about the dangers and evil in the world.  It is denial because he denies the promises of Jesus.  Denial says, “Jesus made the promise that all things are possible but I have no idea how to apply them to my life so it is better to just ignore them.  I can see and handle man-made technology, therefore, I will trust in it and deny the promises of Jesus and his miracles,”  Because he is so driven by doubt and fear of what this life can dish out, he has created a comfort zone of doubt and denial supported by his big account.
Meanwhile, he never touches his 2 cents of belief and faith.  Why?  He relies so much on the man-made things of this world, that which can be seen and felt empirically, that he has not saved hardly anything based on belief and faith, that which requires reliance on Jesus Christ and his promises.  His false traditions from years of going to church make him think he is spiritual and that he has faith, but in reality, he does not because he does not replicate the miracles of Jesus nor do his great works.  He does not believe Jesus when he says “nothing shall be impossible unto you”.    Most importantly, he hides behind his big bank account of doubt so he does not have to dip into his tiny account of belief and faith.
He does not want to use his small belief and faith account because his doubt account is so big, that he sees no need to do so.  Moreover, if he does dip into his belief and faith account, he fears spending it and then getting no results!  What if he spends his two cents of belief and faith and no miracle comes?   His fears about spending his small belief and faith account give him more deposits in his doubt account.  Now, his doubt account is fatter than ever!
All of us are like this man.  We are like the rich people to whom Jesus referred in the experience with the widow with two mites.  We give of our abundance from our doubt and denial account, but we give nothing from our belief and faith account.  The story about the widow with two mites is not only about material wealth, but it is also about relying too much on anything that is related to the flesh and the products of men.
Jesus said,
It is not money or material wealth that keeps the camel from going through the eye of the needle or the rich man from entering the kingdom of God, it is his huge, fat bank account of doubt and denial.  There are many people with lots of money who will enter into the kingdom of God.  Their money is not keeping them out.
What God is asking us to do is to give him the two cents from the belief and faith account.  He is not asking us to suddenly have a big faith and belief account.   He is asking us to give all that we have, even if it is only two mites, or one mite or a half a mite, whatever we have and it will be counted as giving our all.  He is asking us to take the leap of faith and trust in him with all our heart, no matter how small that trust might be. 
It is what he meant when he spoke of the mustard seed.  It is small.  Almost not worth talking about but if it is all we have to give, he will take it and miracles will happen.  But most people are not even willing to give that.  They will not give their two cents because that is too risky, it means giving up their large, fat doubt account on which they have built their traditions.  It has served them well in many cases. It has been a distraction, it has kept them busy, it has made them comfortable. 
When a little girl in their neighborhood is abducted and atrocities committed, they throw more deposits of doubt in their big account rather than spending the two cents of belief and faith that the abduction could have been avoided if they would have believed in the words of Jesus, “nothing is impossible unto you”.  And, “be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Even as you read my words, you cringe with some discomfort.  Who does the author think he is to presume that kidnappings and abductions can be avoided?  Does he presume to say that people who have horrible things happen to them are not good people?  No, that is not what I am saying.  I am saying the same as Jesus, take his yoke upon you for it is light and easy to bear, learn of him and he will give you rest.  An abduction of a little child is not an easy burden to bear and will take years before you find any rest, no matter how much you may try. Jesus is not asking for years.  Jesus is not saying, “I can’t take away the free agency of a bad person who may want to abduct your child.  But what I can do is help you cope with it and make you feel better about it.”  That is NOT what he is saying.  He is saying, “I will deliver you from your enemies”.   “They can by no means do any harm unto you”.  Just give me your two mites, your two cents of belief and faith, or whatever you have.  This is exactly what happened in the case of the loving father with the afflicted boy,
Mark 9:23Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 24And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
Did you catch that? Not some things are possible, all things are possible! Even the deliverance from horrible calamities of life!  Jesus did not say to the father, “Look, if I heal your son, you will not learn the lessons of adversity that you need to learn.  Yes, your son’s affliction is painful but that pain will make you stronger.  Endure to the end and you will be blessed with treasure in heaven.”  That is NOT the message of Jesus! That is the message of Satan, the destroyer, who seeks that all men be miserable like him.
The father was still spending from his huge doubt account, but he dared dip into his scanty belief and faith account and gave Jesus what little he had, his two mites.  Jesus did the rest. He deposited huge amounts of belief and faith in his little account, converting the doubt into belief and faith.  Jesus will do the same for us. 

[1] Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
[2] Matt 724Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Chapter 29

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself
And the second is like unto it, love thy neighbor as thyself.
Every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God.
I would like to say a little about the second great commandment.  One cannot keep the First and Great commandment without keeping its companion.  As noted earlier, the strait gate is the first commandment and the narrow way is the second commandment.  It can be said that once one enters the gate, the true action begins by walking the narrow way, however distant it might be.  Love is a verb, it is more than a feeling, it is action.  We may love God with all of our being but we express that love in our actions.  God has given us a way to express this love by serving our fellow man.  According to the Lord, the best way to show our love to him is to love our fellow man. 
This is what truly distinguishes the followers of Christ from the followers of Satan. It is not enough to be charitable and give of our material possessions and our goods.  As noted earlier, the wolves in sheep’s clothing are very good at doing great humanitarian service to the poor and needy.  When Jesus told the young rich man to sell all that he had and give it to the poor, that was not enough.  What was important was the next words, “and come follow me.”  Those who masquerade as wolves in sheep’s clothing and pretend to be good Christians get tripped up by this part, to be a true follower of Jesus. 
What does it mean to be a true follower of Jesus?  We have discussed in earlier chapters some of the characteristics of a true follower of Christ.  To be meek and humble, to acknowledge one’s own nothingness and total dependence on Jesus and his father.  To manifest the fruits of charity, which is much more than the bestowal of material goods on others.  It is giving our all, our two mites. 
But one of the great characteristics of a true follower of Christ that we can use to discern the tares from the wheat and the wolves in sheep’s clothing from the sheep in wolves clothing, is to be a follower of Christ, one who does the works of Jesus.  And  what are the works of Jesus?  Yes, it is service and ministering to the poor, the needy, the outcast, the widow and the orphan.  But, the hypocrites do that also.  It has to be more.  The works of Jesus include his miracles.  All true followers of Jesus Christ are endowed with power from on high.  They are able to do all that Jesus did, and more, as that is what he has promised us, even commanded us to do,
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
The followers of Satan can also do supernatural wonders.  However, in most cases, these supernatural wonders are based on illusion or are based on man-made technology.  Never do the miracles of Satan or the workers of darkness lead to life and salvation.  The works of Jesus are life and salvation.  The works of Jesus never destroy, not even their enemies.  The works of Jesus deliver his followers from their enemies so that they have no power over them.  The works of Jesus are healing, both physically and spiritually. 
As noted in the introduction, one may discern the works of Jesus from the works of Satan,
Moroni 715 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.
16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
So, if we believe in Christ, we will do the same good that he did.  We will fear no evil because evil has no power over us.  We will perform his miracles, all of them, if necessary.  We will have power over death and most importantly, we will bless others to become converted to Jesus Christ.  It is impossible for a wolf in sheep’s clothing to do all of the above.  They may try, but somewhere along the way, they will expose who they are.  They will trust in the arm of flesh rather than trust in the power of Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost.  They will expose their ego and their pride. 
One of the keys to the second and great commandment is to love our neighbor, as ourselves.  How do we love ourselves?  I assert that the love of self is the same as the love of God.  It is impossible to love ourselves if we don’t love God with all of our being.  What we may classify as love of self is not love at all, it is lust, it is pride and it is ego. For the wicked, love of self is pleasure and power. It is self first and others only matter if it enables them to be first.  
Satan and his followers do not love themselves.  Love in the sense of the Greek word “agape” is not applicable to the wicked.  It is impossible for them to love themselves because to love one’s self is to love God.  Christ said, “Ye are Gods”.  When we love ourselves we love God and when we love God we love ourselves.  The kingdom of God is within us.  If we love his kingdom, we love ourselves.  If we have lost our lives in following him, we have found ourselves and we love what we have found.  We have entered the strait gate and walked the narrow way and what is at the end of the narrow way?  Eternal life.  It is the tree of life, the love of God.  When we leave the world of darkness and enter into his light, emerging on the other side, as it were, we are new creatures in Christ and we love ourselves.  This God-like love of self seeks to glory and praise God in any way possible, and usually the only outlet for this love is to serve our fellow man.
I once met a man who had a near death experience.  He was hunting elk in the state of Idaho and was crossing a steep embankment with his horse.  His horse lost its footing and tumbled down the mountain rolling over the man several times, crushing his head.  His spirit left his body and he found himself in the spirit world.   He was greeted by very anxious people who were there to serve him.  They told him that they wanted to put him at ease and answer his questions.  He learned many things but one of the greatest lessons was that the angelic beings craved to be of service.  They said that they were ready to help and minister to us on earth, but due to unbelief, seldom were they asked.  Service was the greatest way to show their love for their Savior and God and they were saddened that they did not have more opportunity to do so.  I am reminded of the powerful scene in which Scrooge’s partner, Jacob Marley, laments and groans that he could not restore the lost opportunities to give his material possessions to the poor.  Had he only known then what he knew now. 
For the wolves in sheep’s clothing, Scrooge could never be like them, he was a sheep in wolves’ clothing. He was not a hypocrite, he was too honest.  He spoke his mind and said what he thought about the poor.  Maybe that is why the Spirits of Christmas came to him, they knew he was not as the hypocrites and that there was hope for him.  On the other hand, the real wolves in sheep’s clothing, may feign service and they may feign charity, they may talk of peace, they may teach of Christ, they may profess to know him but know him not.  They draw nigh unto him with their lips, but their hearts (and their minds, and their souls) are far from him.  Their hypocrisy fragments them, makes them unholy (not whole or integrated), the opposite of Christ who is holy and integrated. 
One of the characteristics of the wolves in sheep’s clothing is to create dependency.  They teach that there are anointed servants of Christ to whom we must pledge allegiance.  They claim to be prophets, seers and revelators and that, due to our weaknesses, we cannot access Christ or God the same way that they can.  We are dependent on them as they have been given the keys to bind on earth and to bind in heaven and the keys to unbind or unseal the same.  The ministrations of angels, the gifts of the Spirit and the works of Christ are rare or non-existent among them.  If such gifts are manifest by those who hold no special position in the church, they are subject to scrutiny and suspicion and ultimately, if they fail to repent, they are subject to being excommunicated or outcast from their society.  The wolves in sheep’s clothing have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.
In Deuteronomy 6, we were told to,
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Yet, how many church leaders really teach or practice the first and great commandment and how many Christians follow the admonition to teach this commandment all the time?  Do we fear being labeled a fanatic?
If we are teaching this all the time and if it shall be in our heart all the time, we will naturally desire to keep the second commandment which is to love our neighbor as ourselves.  When we are converted, we will strengthen our brethren and when we strengthen our brethren, we love the Lord our God with all of our strength.
We strengthen our brethren by setting them free.  We teach them the truth and the truth sets them free.  We teach them correct principles so that they can govern themselves.  We allow them to pursue truth in the way that they choose, even if it is risky and may lead them down the wrong path.  We don’t excommunicate, we educate and teach through example.  We allow them to search the mysteries and we allow them to become religious fanatics or fanatics of any kind, all the while loving them and praying for them. If they stumble in their search for the truth, more power to them.  What is important is that they are truth seekers.
It is ironic.  The wolves in sheep’s clothing claim to be the shepherds, who guard the flock from the wolves.  They claim that they protect the flock from false doctrine and untruths and from being led astray when in reality they carefully lead the flock down to hell.  They, themselves, teach for doctrine the commandments of men and not of Jesus Christ. 
We teach our neighbor to be independent of the arm of flesh, and to be dependent on the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost.  MOST IMPORTANTLY, AS PEOPLE SEE OUR GOOD WORKS AND WANT TO PRAISE AND GLORIFY US, WE QUICKLY AND GLADLY GIVE ALL THE CREDIT TO THE SOURCE, EVEN THE SON AND THE FATHER!  Like Christ, we teach them that they can do everything we do, and more, if they will but follow Jesus Christ. We do not bask in the adulation or the adoration of others, we bask in the light of Christ and just as Jesus did, we continually acknowledge that we are nothing without the Father and the Son.  The wolves in sheep’s clothing will not do this.  They enjoy the praise of men.  They travel the world and are greeted as VIP’s, they receive VIP treatment and they accept honorary degrees and the honors of men. They have buildings named after them.
The humble follower of Christ is too busy serving to receive honorary degrees.  Mother Teresa understood this.  She often deflected and rejected adulations and adorations.  She only accepted donations or notoriety if it served to help her with her service to others.  Jesus was often treated as a VIP and he accepted such treatment if it furthered his cause.  For example, he was hosted in the home of a Pharisee and while being served at the table of this important person, a woman with an alabaster box approached him.  She was looked on with contempt by those in attendance, including the host.  But, Jesus saw this as a teaching moment and was able to teach all present a great lesson in love and forgiveness.  Jesus had drawn much attention to his self and had become a celebrity, somebody who the proud and influential wanted to know. Jesus knew that he was being used by the Pharisee and he turned the tables on him by using him to teach this great gospel lesson.
I have mentioned that we must learn to discern the wolves in sheep’s clothing from the sheep in wolves’ clothing.  Who are the sheep in wolves’ clothing?  The woman with the alabaster box was a sheep in wolves’ clothing.  These are they who may not look the part.  They may not look like a sheep, or what we think a sheep should look like.  Maybe they are homeless, or maybe, like the widow with only two mites to give, they wore tattered or dirty clothes that smelled bad. Maybe they drink and they smoke.  In many different ways, they may not look or act the part, but deep down, in their heart, the Savior, who is able to discern all things, can see who they really are and can see that they have a heart ready to follow him.   
His two edged sword that is quick and powerful, separates the righteous from the wicked, the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the wolves, the spirit from the flesh and discerns the innermost thoughts of the heart.  True followers of Christ recognize his sheep, no matter how well disguised they might be in the clothes of wolves or in whatever outward appearance there might be.  Likewise, the true follower of Christ, who keeps the two great commandments, discerns the wolves in sheep’s clothing, no matter how clever their disguise. 
Among the greatest acts of service that can bestowed on our fellow man is to help them see who Jesus and His Father really are.
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
When we have mastered and lived the Two Great Commandments, people will know Jesus Christ and His Father by seeing us.  His countenance, his demeanor, his Spirit, his love, his power, his glory will shine through us.  This is what Christ meant when he said,
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
This light is not figurative, it is real.  It is an energy, a radiation that emanates from one who lives the two great commandments.  This energy or light is what allows the one so shining to heal, to perform miracles, like unto Jesus.  The good works don’t only refer to spending time at a food bank or visiting a rest home, although important, the good works to which Jesus refers are his works, the same miracles he performed and which gained him such notoriety and celebrity status.  Once obtained, the honest in heart, the sheep in wolves clothing will want to glorify your Father which is in heaven.  If we are like unto Jesus, we will never stop giving credit to the one who makes it all possible.
There is a beautiful song that conveys, to some extent, this concept,
A Window To His Love by Julie De Azevedo

I want to be a window to His love,
so when you look at me you will see Him.
I want to be so pure and clear that you won't even know I'm here,
'cause His love will shine brightly through me.

I want to be a doorway to the truth,
so when you walk beyond me, you will find Him.
I want to stand so straight and tall, that you won't notice me at all.
But through my open door He will be seen.

A window to His love.
A doorway to the truth.
A bearer of the message He'd have me bring to you
And with each passing day
I want to fade away.
'Till only He can be seen And I become a window to His love.

I want to be a window to His love,
so you can look through me and you'll see Him.
And some day shining through my face, you'll see His loving countenance,
'cause I will have become like He is

A window to His love.
A doorway to the truth.
A bearer of the message He'd have me bring to you
And with each passing day
I want to fade away.

It is my prayer that to some small degree, this work has achieved the desires of this song and that any light contained therein will have brought the reader closer to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.  I leave these words, most humbly and giving all glory and honor to him, whom I serve, even Jesus Christ and His Father,   AMEN!