
Thursday, 3 May 2012

Tortured for Christ vs. Putting on the Whole Armor of God

10  Finally, my brethren, be astrong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
 11 Put on the whole aarmour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
 12 For we awrestle not bagainst cflesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the drulers of the edarkness of this world, against spiritual fwickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
 14 Stand therefore, having your loins agirt about with btruth, and having on the cbreastplate of drighteousness;
 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of apeace;
 16 Above all, taking the shield of afaith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery bdarts of the wicked.
 17 And take the helmet of asalvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:  Ephesians 6
What is the purpose of armor?  Is it not for protection?  Protection from what?  The fiery darts of the wicked and the wiles of the devil.
Many people believe that the fiery darts are similar to the refiner’s fire.  They believe that the wicked, including the devil, serve an important purpose in bringing pain and suffering to the world which in turn, serves as a test, to see if we can stand it and remain patient and faithful.  If we endure it, then we are purified by this fire and become sanctified.  However, common sense says that they are wrong.  Why?  Because if the fiery darts or any suffering from fire are necessary, what purpose does the armor of God serve?  Rather than put on the whole armor of God, we should be naked and exposed to allow for the maximum effect from the purifying fire.  Armor (protection) and suffering (fire) are opposite concepts.
The whole armor of God is to protect us from the adversary.  He is the opponent of Jesus Christ.  He wants us to suffer, Jesus wants us to be free from suffering.  Yes, suffering, pain, afflictions all serve a purpose, if you like doing it the hard way.  If the hard way is the only way that you can learn, then it does serve a purpose.  But the Savior (one who saves) has provided a better way, where suffering and pain are not necessary.
The whole armor of God is consistent with all of the messages of Jesus Christ.  Jesus has said:
1.     “I would gather you (all true followers) as a hen gathers her chickens”
2.     “That thou shouldest keep them (all true followers) from all evil”
3.     “Deliver us (all true followers) from evil”
4.     “Nothing by any means shall hurt you (all true followers)”
5.     “Be of good cheer (all true followers), I have overcome the world”.
6.     “let him (all true followers) glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.”
7.     “he gave them (all true followers) power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”
8.     “lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them (all true followers).”
9.     “come unto me all ye that are heavy laden (all true followers) for I shall give you rest.”
A popular book being sold on the internet is titled, “Tortured for Christ”.  It deals with the persecutions and suffering of Christians around the world.  These Christians seem to glory in the fact that they can be tortured and suffer at the hands of their enemies, for Christ’s sake.  What happened to the whole armor of God?  If they are being tortured, they are not being delivered, they are not finding rest, they are not having their enemies subdued under their feet, they are not being kept from all evil, they are not standing against the wiles of the devil and quenching the fiery darts.   Torture, pain, suffering are only necessary if they are the only way we can learn, they are the hard road, they are the school of hard knocks.  They are the broad road of the devil that leads to destruction.  The devil wants us to be tortured, to suffer, to have affliction as that is how he derives power.  Jesus wants the exact opposite for us.  He wants us to put on the whole armor of God.
Now, let’s understand better how we can obtain the whole armor of God and how we can be protected from torture and from unnecessary suffering.
1.     “Stand therefore, having your loins agirt about with btruth   The loins are the reproductive area of the body.  While they definitely refer to sexual capacity, they are also symbolic of the creative power of the individual, hence, the association with truth.   The loins are also known as bowels and the bowels are also a seat of truth.   Historians note that the loins or bowel area were a favorite target of the enemy and when a person, usually a man, was injured in the loins area, he was finished forever, with no more capacity for increase or continuation of his seed.  That may explain why the loins are the first area to protect  by being girt with truth.  The capacity for increase and for posterity is associated with the fountain of truth.   We are also admonished to “stand”, which means to awake and to arise.  To be girt with truth requires that we be awake to ALL truth, not just the truth that tickles our ear, and when we are awake and standing, we can be prepared for the enemy.
2.     “and having on the cbreastplate of drighteousness;”  The breastplate protects the heart area, another favorite target of the enemy.  In obeying the first great commandment, we love the Lord our God with all of our heart.  If the enemy can discourage us or prevent us from loving God with all of our heart, then we are more likely to fail as true followers of Christ.  The essence of righteousness lies in obeying the two great commandments.  It is important to note that Christ himself will be our breastplate, our shield, our protection.   When we take upon us the name of Christ, we are in essence putting on the whole armor of God.   Christ is righteousness personified.  That means that when we see our armor failing through our own weaknesses, then we should come unto Christ, call upon his holy name and ask for fortification, he will never refuse us.  That is why it is so important to obey the second great commandment, to love ourselves as we love our neighbor and God and not let our weaknesses keep us from calling on Christ for protection.
3.     “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of apeace   In order to stand, we must have good foot ware.    The adversary looks for our Achilles heel.  I suspect that the legend of the Achilles heel may come from the fact that the serpent, the devil, would be given power to bruise the heel of the seed of Adam and Eve.  However, the bruising of the heel is preventable if we shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.   “If  the  righteous are prepared, they shall not fear”.   Prepared in the gospel of peace.  To be peaceful, means to not wage war which involves violence, hate and bloodshed.  The gospel of peace provides a means of deliverance from the enemy without requiring violence, hate or bloodshed.   And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15   Their feet are beautiful because they are shod with armor and protection.  The glad tidings are that the enemy has no power over them to bruise their heel.  The enemy has been subdued under their feet without violence, hate or bloodshed.  The enemy has become their footstool, from which the righteous derive rest. 
4.     “Above all, taking the shield of afaith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery bdarts of the wicked.”  Above all?  It must be very important!   How can one have faith if one believes that they must be tortured for Christ?  If I know that I am a soldier for Christ going into battle with the enemy and that I may be captured, imprisoned, tortured and made to suffer unspeakable atrocities by the adversary, how does that inspire faith?  What purpose does the shield serve if I must be tortured?  If the fiery darts of the adversary are getting through my shield of faith, what good is my faith?  Here we see again, the centuries of false teachings and programming that are embedded in our consciousness that suffering for Christ is a necessary component of being his true  follower.  The exact opposite is the truth.  A sign of a true follower of Christ is that they are NOT tortured for him!  Faith is a shield that quenches the fiery darts of the wicked when we have faith that Christ will protect us and deliver us.    When we have faith that Christ is our armor, and that nothing can penetrate it to harm us, then we have the faith that makes this shield effective.   However, if we refuse to give up our false traditions (even at a subconscious level) that suffering and pain are a necessary, absolutely unavoidable part of this life, then the adversary rejoices because now he can captivate us and use our pain to his advantage.  
5.     “And take the helmet of asalvation”,   Take is a verb which can also mean “receive or accept”.  Salvation is being offered to us by Christ.  He is the Savior, one who saves.  Christ is known as our head.  And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:”  When we put on the  helmet, we are putting on Christ.  The helmet protects the mind.  We are to love the Lord our God with all of our mind.  As we obey the first and second great commandments, we are putting on the whole armor of God.  So, it becomes a delicious (not vicious) circle.  We put on the helmet of salvation which means coming unto Christ, the helmet protects the mind, we love the Lord God with all of our mind, when we weaken in our resolve to Love God with all of our mind, we come unto Christ again and the cycle repeats itself. 
6.     “and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:”  Everything has been defensive up to now.  Now, we are being given an offensive weapon to fight back, to destroy the enemy, to mete out justice, to wreak revenge for all the torture, pain and suffering that he has done to us.  Or is that the purpose of the sword?  The sword is the  “word of God”.  And what is the word of God?  It is the gospel of peace.  Is it an offensive weapon?  Yes.  Does it bring about violence, hate and bloodshed?  No.  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  It goes on the offensive as it seeks out the true followers of Christ, or those who are willing to repent according to their thoughts and intents of the heart.  It is also defensive in that the sword enables the righteous to become “wise as serpents and gentle as doves”.  When confronted by the arrogance of evil, the sword will separate the wicked from the righteous.  The righteous are delivered by the sword, the sword divides the wicked from the righteous.  Those who receive the word of God remain with the righteous, those who do not receive the word of God, remain separated and apart.

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